GU || Serve: Community Coordinator for Fall 2024 [D-Team]

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Community Coordinators serve to facilitate the following, under the direction of the staff:
- Grad Bible Study
- Tabling
- Social Events
- Communal Abiding
- Lent Publications & Programming

Please select one option.

Our primary focus has been and will continue to be (primarily) Life Groups and then (secondarily) Weekly Worship, as these are key ways in which our vision and values are expressed in our calendar, with the goal of being experienced in the regular routines of students. 

These aren't the only ways or places that disciple-making takes place, but they are strategic vehicles. 

We want to expand from these, without forsaking these. 

DNA Group

It would be essential for all of our Community Coordinators to be regularly engaged in our DNA Group, which will take place twice a month. 

Do you anticipate working to arrange your schedule for this being easy, difficult, or somewhere in-between?


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